Jan 13, 2021Liked by Maddy Paul

Samantha was truly the only sex positive character on the show so I really don't know how they're going to make it work. I guess it'll just be "The City." I wish they would just let it rest! A full series and two movies??? What's left???? Also, The Carrie Diaries deserved more!

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Maddy Paul

I’ll take a visit with C, C & M however I can get it but Samantha was such a big, powerhouse presence it will definitely be missing some energy and sparkle. It will be interesting to see if they talk about her as if she’s just not in NYC but still a part of their foursome.

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To answer your question about SATC ? Not sure they can swing that but at least there is the city to look at I hope!

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